Hello again from the VA! Previously, inpatient medicine teams were responsible for manually updating Word document handoffs which led to inaccuracies and redundant work. This year, we have introduced the Shift Handoff Tool, a handoff program embedded into CPRS. It has many advantages including auto-populating information such as patient name, last 4, room number, code […]
Category: Chiefs Blog
Are you in T-T-T-Trouble?
Dr. Alvin Jeon recently presented a case of a 20 year old M who presented to the hospital with chest pain. Given the atypical nature of the chest pain, a CT chest was obtained and revealed a large anterior mediastinal mass that was ultimately found to be a thymoma. This diagnosis sparked an excellent discussion […]
Dermaphobia – VA Report 11/20
Dr. Amritha Kanakamedala presented an interesting case from here at the VA of an elderly male with a history of spinal stenosis s/p recent surgery 1 week prior to presentation who presented with 1 day of sudden and progressively worsening bilateral hand swelling, pain, erythema, and discoloration. This case ended up being quite the diagnostic […]
Congratulations to the Housestaff of the month for October, 2020
#maskedup in their new Missouri ACP masks! Inpatient Resident of the Month: Dr. Libby Rosenthal – PGY3 – exemplified a day team, night team model while the night float resident. Inpatient Intern of the Month: Dr. Hunter Cochran – PGY1 – dedication and hard work on a busy CCU month. Outpatient Resident of the Month: […]
“Resident Report: Too Early to Tell”
At resident report last week Dr. Sonia Godbole presented a case of a patient with a history of IV drug use who was admitted with cellulitis and later developed a recurrent fever and a rash. After a thorough workup he was diagnosed with acute retroviral syndrome (primary HIV). The patient initially tested negative for HIV […]
“All About VA PSQI”
Hi from the VA! As part of my role as the Chief Resident in Quality and Safety (CRQS), I help to oversee the patient safety and quality improvement (PSQI) rotation at the John Cochran VA. All categorical interns rotate through this two-week rotation. Due to the need for social distancing, much of the rotation is […]
“Thoughts with Steve -Duloxetine”
Hi everyone! I want to represent primary care in the Chief Blog, so I decided to put together this piece on a versatile medication to help a variety of common outpatient diagnoses. First and foremost, I have no financial disclosures, including to this med. Pain is difficult for physicians and patients alike. It’s tough to […]
Congratulations to the Housestaff for September, 2020
Inpatient Resident of the Month: Dr. Becca Wiesehan: “She managed a complex list of patients with ease, with a great sense of prioritization, while providing great teaching pearls to the medical students and other members of the team. Not only was she a great teacher, but she consistently was excited to learn from the new […]
Histoplasma – A Fungus Among Us
Clinicopathologic Conference , referred to as CPC, is a long-standing tradition here at Washington University in St. Louis. The origin of this tradition at WashU can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. CPC began at Harvard and then was subsequently adopted at Johns Hopkins. Dr. George Dock, a protégé of Dr. […]
Missouri ACP Meeting 2020
The Missouri Chapter of the American College of Physicians is happening now, and many of our residents submitted posters highlighting their academic endeavors or interesting clinical vignettes. Congratulations to the following residents who received awards for their posters! Resident Clinical vignette 1st place – Zain Raza An Unusual Case of Chronic Cough: Broncho-Esophageal Fistula Resident […]
Resident Report 8/24: When in Doubt, Swab it out.
Last month, Carole presented a patient of a young man presenting with rapidly progressive polyarthralgia and sore throat who was found to have disseminated gonorrhea. Urine GCCT NAAT was negative, but pharyngeal NAAT was positive for gonorrhea. The most common manifestations of N. gonorrhoeae are cervicitis and PID in females and urtherthris and epididymitis in […]
Congratulations to the Housestaff of the Month for August 2020!
Inpatient Resident of the Month – Jesse Zaretsky “I had the pleasure of working Jesse Zaretsky several times during his recent ED month. He was great to work with – he showed great clinical skills, medical decision making, and follow through, and was able to handle seeing multiple, critically ill patients with a great attitude and calm […]
Intern Report 8/20: Never Miss a Beat
Last week Dr. Hunter Cochran presented a great case of a patient with newly diagnosed renal cell carcinoma and depression who presented with acute encephalopathy in the setting of suspected drug use. On admission the neuro exam was notable for hyperreflexia and bilateral lower extremity clonus. The patient was found to have serotonin syndrome from […]
Getting to Know: Kevin Stephenson, MD
Many of you may have noticed a new face at report! This is Kevin Stephenson, the General Medical Sciences Fellow for this academic year. He has already provided several great clinical pearls at report and it has been a joy to have him join us. See below to get to know Kevin some more. Kevin […]
Meet our new PGY-1 Housestaff Liaison Committee Members!
We’d like to introduce and welcome the newest PGY-1 members of our Housestaff Liaison Committee! The Housestaff Liaison Committee is a committee within our program made up of resident representatives, chief residents, associate program directors and our program director which meets monthly. These meetings are a structured time where resident representatives can provide the administration […]
Resident Report 8/3: Not all hypertension is essential
Last week, Dr. Ali Junell presented an interesting case of a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 who presented with hypertensive emergency and an ischemic stroke. The hospital course was notable for treatment refractory tachycardia and hypertension, so a workup for secondary causes of hypertension was pursued. Initial screen was notable for elevated serum metanephrines and […]
Congratulations to the House Staff of the Month for July 2020!
Inpatient Resident of the Month – Jesse Yoon “Jesse was so patient with us (even when we called him on his days off), always knew our needs without asking, gave us freedom when we wanted it, guidance when we needed it, AND brought snacks every call day. I felt so comfortable and at ease knowing […]
Intern Report 8/4: No More Veggies, Please.
On Tuesday Dr. Danielle Kubicki presented a case of a young female w/ no significant PMH presenting with fevers, transient left sided weakness, and R. flank pain. CT imaging revealed a renal infarct. The reason for this infarct (and previous left sided weakness) became clear when blood cultures grew strep mitis. TTE did not reveal […]
Intern Report 7/27: A Cyte to See!
Shout out to Dr. Akkad for her excellent case last week on a 51 year old woman with history of HTN, obesity and hyperlipidema who presented with progressive shortness of breath, fatigue and altered mental status for 1 week. Work up revealed that the patient was anemic and thrombocytopenic. Peripheral smear showed schistocytes (see above) […]