NRMP Program Code – 1353140M0
NRMP Institution Name – Barnes-Jewish Hosp-MO
ACGME Code – 1402821215

The Primary Care in Internal Medicine (PCIM) program prepares residents to be outstanding leaders, clinicians and scholars in primary care and outpatient internal medicine. The PCIM program is ideal for residents who are interested in primary care and seek a highly dedicated clinical curriculum.

The PCIM training includes dedicated outpatient blocks for all PGY1s, PGY2s and PGY3s throughout the year, as well as formal ambulatory medicine focused didactics, quality improvement training, continuity clinic, PCIM specific clinical rotations and one-on-one mentorship with a board certified internist in his or her community practice, which continues longitudinally throughout all three years of the resident’s training.

This mentor experience, the Continuity Ambulatory Experience for Residents (CAER), is the highlight of all three years of training. Residents will have dedicated time each year in their CAER mentor’s clinic, in addition to their assigned continuity clinic site. Additionally, residents will spend ½ day per week alongside their CAER mentor during continuity clinic blocks to further nurture the mentor relationship. CAER mentors also participate in educational activities for the PCIM residents throughout the academic year.

There are multiple sites PCIM residents can request for their continuity clinic experience including the Saint Louis VA Primary Care Clinic or the Center for Outpatient Health, located on the main Barnes-Jewish Hospital campus.

Scholarly activities are strongly encouraged and supported, including writing chapters for the Washington Manual of Outpatient Medicine. All PCIM residents will participate in evidence-based medicine didactics, quality improvement training and have an opportunity to lead a quality improvement project in their continuity clinic. They also have the opportunity of presenting their work at national conferences, including the American College of Physicians and Society of General Internal Medicine annual meetings.

Our curriculum has developed unique primary care focused didactics, experiences and community events, in addition to the traditional academic activities offered to the categorical residents.

Please email Aleana Evans, PCIM Coordinator with any questions.

The Primary Care Track curriculum includes required outpatient experiences in:

  • Ambulatory Orthopedics
  • Office Gynecology/Women’s Health
  • Allergy and ENT
  • Dermatology
  • Neurology
  • ComPACT Veterans Care