The Mentors in Medicine (MiM) pathway provides the opportunity for career development and research mentorship for Barnes Jewish Hospital residents in the Internal Medicine Residency Program. MiM helps residents find a mentor and develop their research idea. Participating residents pair with a mentor to develop a four-page research protocol. Protocols undergo review by Washington University faculty. For applications not initially approved for funding, MiM encourages revision and resubmission. After completing their project, residents present an abstract of their results and submit a peer-reviewed manuscript about their research. In addition to oversight, MiM provides grants up to $5500. Applications for MiM are due on December 1 each year. The research project can be submitted to both MiM and C-STAR. Residents may submit one application per application cycle.
Questions? Please contact:
Brian F. Gage, MD, MSc, Pathway Director bgage@wustl.edu
Seth Eisen, MD, MSc, Associate Pathway Director seth.eisen@wustl.edu
Ann Ahrens, PhD, Pathway Coordinator MIM@email.wustl.edu