The Clinician-Scientist Training and Research (C-STAR) Program is a pathway for Barnes-Jewish Hospital medical residents who wish to pursue an academic career in clinical or translational research. C-STAR residents have a 12-week block to attend the “Designing Outcomes and Clinical (DOC) Research” graduate course and execute a research project under guidance of a faculty mentor. The 12-weeks for C-STAR replaces elective time; C-STAR residents do not miss rotations on firm or in the intensive care unit. For the remainder of residency, C-STAR residents have an experience identical to other categorical internal medicine residents and meet all requirements of the American Board of Internal Medicine.
C-STAR does not provide funding for research, so C-STAR residents who need funding should apply to the Mentors in Medicine (MiM) program (or other intramural program). Applications for C-STAR are due December 1 of the PGY-1 or PGY-2 year. The same research project can be used for both C-STAR and MiM. Residents may submit one application per application cycle.
Questions? Please contact:
Dr. Brian Gage, Pathway Director bgage@wustl.edu
Ann Ahrens, Pathway Coordinator aann@wustl.edu