Meet our new PGY-1 Housestaff Liaison Committee Members!

We’d like to introduce and welcome the newest PGY-1 members of our Housestaff Liaison Committee! The Housestaff Liaison Committee is a committee within our program made up of resident representatives, chief residents, associate program directors and our program director which meets monthly. These meetings are a structured time where resident representatives can provide the administration […]

Resident Report 8/3: Not all hypertension is essential

Last week, Dr. Ali Junell presented an interesting case of a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 who presented with hypertensive emergency and an ischemic stroke. The hospital course was notable for treatment refractory tachycardia and hypertension, so a workup for secondary causes of hypertension was pursued. Initial screen was notable for elevated serum metanephrines and […]